Amiga Plus 1995 #5 & #6
Amiga Plus CD - 1995 - No. 5 and 6.iso
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___ ____ ___ ___ _
|_ _| _ \_ _|/ _ \| | RELESE OF VERSION 1.1 (REGISTERED)
| || | | | || |_| | |
| || |_| | || _ | |___ T H I S I S G I F T W A R E
|___|____/___|_| |_|_____| -------------------------------
Copywrite 1995 Tom Kruk
| Visit Us At: | HeadSoft Software
| | "Enterainment For Your Head"
| DarkMoon BBS |
| |
| +718 388-0599 (28.8K) |
+-------------------------+ Everware Software
"Life's A Game, Play IT Well!"
Before you do anything, please read the idial.guide!
Welcome. I have recently began programming IDIAL versions
1.0 and 1.1 . Version 1.0 was the original UNREGISTERED
version with some cut-backs from its newer sibling 1.1
Although 1.0 was fully functional, I Originally wanted the
registered people to receive 1.1 (it had more features)
as a reward for registration.
NOW... It's yours registration free.... Its's GIFTWARE!
II.Why is it GIFTWARE?
There is one little catch, which may not include you.
Let me explain.
This version of IDIAL, assumes that the first prompt
received is the prompt for your login name (username)
IDIAL then sends it. (see idial.quide)
Then IDIAL assumes that the next prompt is the password
and then some kind of quitting text. Although this is
how most Internet Providers have it set up, it might
not be so on yours. All this assuming is not really
Don't get me wrong. IDIAL 1.1 is great. I use it all
the time. After reading the docs, you will see why!
I recently noticed that IDIAL needs to be upgrated
and I have many cool ideas (see below).
III.IDIAL 2.0 and IDIAL 2.0R (comming soon)
There will be a new IDIAL 2.0 (comming soon)
It will be based on the original IDIAL 1.1 but
it will have many,many,many improvements.
(go online and record your script for use with IDIAL)
* Highly configurable modem/serial commands
* Multiple preference files, through standard Amiga
* Nice GUI for editing preferences
* Window can be 'snapshot' to a location on screen
* Internal startnet (with user edited variables)
* Executes (on quit) any WB or CLI program
* Pull Down Menus (alternative support)
* Progress bulbs 'fill' with closed red color
* Direct QUIT mode
* Go ONLINE mode
* Overall Improvements on IDIAL 1.0/1.1 features!
* Free Upgrades (by email) or nominal fee Upgrates (snail mail)
There will be probably more features in the new IDIAL.
If you have other suggestions, feel free to write me
and tell me what they are at my internet address
IV.GIFTWARE? What is that?
Giftware means very simply, A GIFT FROM ME TO YOU!
This gift holds no guarantees or waranties of any
kind. Use it at your own risk = common sense.
I've done all I could to test it, and it works
great here. This is why I feel it will work great
for you. However I can not be responsible for any
data/physical loss, radiation, serb attack, car
accidents etc.. as a result of using this product.
If you LOVE it (or HATE it (no way!)) LET ME KNOW!
Or if you would like to send me something for it
(I like cool utilities,mods, and pictures)
Email Me: tomkruk@escape.com
Thank You.
Tom Kruk